Amanda Cox: Author of Christy Books of the Year


Tell us about your background as related to your writing.

I can't remember when books were not a part of my life. My parents routinely read to me before bed and took me to storytime at the library. They weren't the type to let me buy a new toy just because I wanted it, but they always said yes to books. I wrote my very first story for publication when I was seven. It didn't end up getting published, but it wasn't from a lack of effort on my part! My parents recently unearthed a copy of it from their archives of my childhood crafts, and I got to read it to my own kids. It was interesting to see how my storyteller's brain processed stories back then that still endures in my writing today.

That writing dream went dormant for about twenty years. I picked up that childhood dream about twelve years ago when I became a stay-at-home parent. It started as something I did to unwind before going to bed, mostly to see if I had the ability to write a novel.

2. How does your experience in counseling children and family influence your writing?

My experience in counseling has made a huge impact on the way I develop characters and take them through an authentic change process. I really tap into that knowledge base when thinking about how events of the story would effect each character based on their personality and background. Character development is my absolute favorite part of telling a story.

3. What authors have inspired you?

There are so many that have encouraged me along on my journey! Joanna Politano, Ashley Clark, Susie Finkbeiner, Katie Powner, Amanda Dykes to name a few. Each of those people are incredible and inspiring writers who also happen to be wonderful people who have spoken into my life.

4. How do you see the growth of Christian fiction in quantity and in quality? How has it impacted the readers?

I am continually impressed with the growing quality in Christian fiction. I love seeing so many genres represented under the umbrella of Christian fiction. Christian fiction is growing in supporting diverse voices, which is great to see. Fiction has such an incredible way of helping readers build empathy for experiences outside their own.

5. Give us some tips on how to hone the art of writing.

Read as much as you can. Study the stories you love, whether it is a movie, television show, or a book. Analyze what it is that draws you to that story or those characters. Study human behavior and learn about universal human needs. No matter how different your character is from your reader, if you can tap into universal human needs, you will
find an emotional connection point.

6. What was your reaction when you heard you've won the Christy Award for Book of the Year with "The Secret Keepers of Old Depot Grocery" a year after winning the Christy Award in 2021 with "The Edge of Belonging"?

I was completely shocked. Rendered speechless. Quite literally. I can't recall anything I said in my acceptance speech, and I'm fairly certain that it was barely coherent! I was so honored to receive that recognition for my work, especially with it happening with my first and second novel. But, when I look at my books I don't see them as award winning
novels. I see them from the back side of the tapestry, so to speak! Of course I love them and I am proud of the hand work I put into them. I also figure that my love for my stories is pretty biased. So I am always a little surprised when my books are well-received.

7. In what ways should authors cooperate more to advance Christian fiction?

Being a part of the Christian fiction writing community I've found such kind people who lift one another up and cheer each other on. When networking outside the Christian community, I haven't found that same welcoming quality!
The more that we can cheer one another on, and share books that would appeal to our individual readerships, the better!

8. Brazil is in its infancy in relation to Christian fiction. Any advice for the new generation of Christian writers in Brazil including myself?

Stay true to your unique voice and perspectives. Every writer brings something unique
to the world. God has given you a unique voice that reveals unique elements of God's
nature. Seek God as you write, and ask Him what story he'd like you to tell the world.